Holwood News

14/10/2010  Ongoing Works
  This is a brief update on the ongoing works.All the works referred to are at 'no cost' to residents but are works that HERA has managed to persuade TW to undertake. The main gates are now replaced and functioning correctly. The pumping station has had a new pump and other rectification works and is now functioning to our satisfaction. All leaks to the undercroft car park have been identified and solved except one which is proving difficult and is still being investigated. All roof leaks have been redressed. Internal decorations are completed except that stairwell carpets will shortly be cleaned. Externally the building has been cleaned and some rendering repairs have been done to the internal circle. This work will continue and will include the external circle and sides of the building. Next week will see the beginning of installation of a bespoke guttering system that will improve water drainage from balconies. You will also note that the 'moat' is having extensive work to improve drainage and take rainwater more efficiently away from the building. This unfortunately will leave 'scarring' but the area should soon recover. The landscaping in the 'bund area' is underway. This again will leave some 'scarring' but this will soon recover.The area will not be overly landscaped but restructured to provide a pleasant woodland view for residents in this area consistent with expectation and promises given when they originally purchased their properties. The external lighting system is being repaired and protective bollards installed about the crescent. Redundant light fittings are being removed from the ramps and the unsightly electrical conduit at Blocks A and B has been removed.Soon the dwarf walls in these areas will be repaired and painted to match the rest of the exterior. The podium drainage has been improved and the second cycle store at Block C made operational. Emergency Lighting has been tested and rectified as necessary. There have been many other repairs and improvements . Next week will see the commencement of improvements to the main driveway and keypad areas. The humps will be reformed and repainted and the lake that forms near the courtyard block will receive proper drainage.The keypad area will receive particular attention. We will then be looking at general replanting and cosmetic works to the more formal gardens. The Holwood Trust is now formed and is starting the works to maintain our habitat appropriately; they will report regularly and separately. This is a brief not comprehensive review of the ongoing works. I hope everybody is happy with the end results despite the necessary inconvenience. We hope the end of November will see most works completed. To the Committee members who have dedicated countless hours in pursuit of these improvements I would like to say a persnal big 'Thanks!' KAZ HERA
  Article added by:Steve
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