Holwood News
05/02/2011 | Biggin Hill Airport Expansion |
Biggin Hill Airport has applied to extend its operating hours.HERA has written on behalf of residents protesting about any increase in operating hours but it is imperative that individual residents write personally.PLEASE ACTION THIS AS THIS COULD SERIOUSLY EFFECT OUR LIFE HERE AT HOLWOOD. A suggested draft is below:- ' I am disturbed at the idea that the Airport should be allowed to increase trafficthroughput. Already it is bad enough for residents, like myself, who live close to the airport and its flight path. At Holwood we experience not only noisy jets but many small craft ( especially at weekends ) flying directly over the housing area at low elevation. With the PRUH being so close and directly affected, I am surprised that consideration is being given to increasing traffic density and flying hours. I wish to record here my strong objection to : 1. Any increase in flying time windows as presently set. 2. Introducing a paying passenger business. 3. Making the Olympic Games a precedent. It appears to me that commercial interests are being given impetus at the expense of residents who will have to suffer added noise and traffic congestion on neighbouring roads, to say nothing of property value decline.' E-Mails should be directed to:- airport.consultation@bromley.gov.uk BEFORE 18TH FEBRUARY !!!!!!!!! | |
Article added by:Admin | |
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