Holwood News
08/04/2008 | Meeting with Taylor Wimpey |
This is a report of a Progress Meeting held with Taylor Wimpey on 31 March 2008 Record of Meeting 31 March 2008 Present:- Steve Turner (Crescent), Colin Glover (Courtyard), Peter Creighton (TW), Alan Bloomfield (TW) General:- The meeting was convened as a result of Holwood Estate Residents Association complaining at the lack of progress since the last meeting with TW in October 2007. Peter Creighton explained that things had been difficult as a result of the TW/Wimpey merger with no clear lines of responsibility in place.This situation has now been resolved and the budget holders established. Alan Bloomfield will continue to investigate ´leaks/water problems´ at Holwood, and Peter Creighton will accept direct responsibilty for all other issues including customer aftercare.Peter Creighton assured us that we would now be seeing prompt progress. A discussion ensued on specific issues. Water Ingress Problems:- TW acknowledged that water ingress continues to be a major problem at Holwood. All leaks are under investigation still.These include:- a) Leaks through the concrete slab above into the Undercroft Parking Areas. b) Leaks into plant/equipment rooms c)Leaks into the wall cavitys that can be evidenced by seepage through the walls of the Undercroft. d) Leaks into the interior of individual apartments. e) Leaks through coping stones/mortar joints causing unsightly staining. f) Water discharging from balcony flashings causing serious staining to exterior walls. g) Water discharging from ground-floor balconies causing severe exterior staining. h) Leaks around the balcony areas not specifically mentioned above. Action AB reported the following action:- a) Areas had been exposed to try and establish how water was entering the cavity walls but no one specific reason has so far been identified. TW have arranged for the building designers/engineers to attend site to advise on this problem. b) AB reported that his main priority was to stop the ingress of water into individual appartments but that all other leaks etc would be tackled in turn. c) A contractor appointed to clear/cut drip channels in the coping stones will be chased to see why he has not undertaken this work on blocks A and B. d) The balcony flashings will be re-examined and adaptations made to improve the discharge of water where it is causing severe staining to the exterior. Landscaping Problems:- a) General work required. b) The Bank/Moat area. c) Failed Plantings. d) Beckford Drive e) Main Drive Action:- PC reported that Landmark had been recently instructed to complete outstanding landscaping works.These works include:- a) Leveling and re-seeding of the road area near the old marketting suite. b) The filling of the ´sink-hole´ that has appeared and is currently perimeter taped for safety. c) The removal of wooden hoardings and general tidying of the former security area. d) Attention to the landscaping of the ísland´as necessary but specifically to remove excessive stones and to add additional topsoil to eliminate the danger to cars of ´flying stones´´ caused by mowing/strimming work. e) Wild-flower seeding to the meadow areas. f) Tidying of the Keypad area. g) Repositioning of Frontgate ´stops´. PC agreed to discuss with Landmark and instruct them to commence work in the Bank/Moat area. This work to include:- f) Improved drainage to the ditch as necessary. g) The cutting back of the tree/shrub line so that there is an established walk/passage way around the top of the bank. h) The staggering of the tree/shrub line so that residents look out onto a more contoured landscape. i) The addition of further top-soil and re-seeding as necessary. j) The removal of nettles/brambles etc as possible and ´frontal planting´´ of appropriate shrubs to mask únsightly areas´where an alternative remedy might not be possible. Shrubs used to be of native varieties such as rhodedendron, gorse,etc k) The cutting down/thinning out of unattractive wild tree sapplings as appropriate. l) The re-installation of lighning conductor covers. PC agreed to re-call the original garden planting contractors to discuss the ´failed plantings´´ particularly around blocks A and B, and to complete the plantings around the perimeter of the Island where this has not been done. PC agreed to instruct electricians to remove the redundant lighting equipment etc from the poles down Beckford Drive and remove/tidy any other wiring as appropriate. PC advised that bollards would be installed at the entrance to Beckford Drive near the old security huts to prevent vehicle access. PC agreed ,as a matter of urgency, to get Conway back to undertake works to the Main Drive. This work would include the thorough sweeping and removal of excess roadstone, re-surfacing of areas where stones have not properly adhered, and attention to the speed bump between the Courtyard and the old security area. One-Way system Action:- PC advised that appropriate signs will be installed down the main drive to dictate priority of way, and that the one-way system would be more clearly marked both above and below ground at the Crescent. This follows a couple of ´near misses´. Beckford Lodge PC advised that the accompanying land had been marked and that the Lodge would be auctioned on 31 March 2008. ( guide price 225K ). - I understand ,at the time of writing, that the Lodge did not sell. Link between Holwood and Holwood Mansion. Problem:- ST pointed out that since the removal of the link road behind the old marketing suite delivery persons (postman etc) needing to travel between Holwood residences and Holwood Mansion cannot negotiate the sharp turn required. They must therefore either cut across the grass or make a three point turn on the main drive. (Hence recent landscape damage). Action :- AB/PC agreed to discuss with Landmark the installation of a ´grasscrete´ road across the apex with appropriate markings to indicate the entrance and exit points.. Lighting Problem:- The ín ground´ lights have been disconnected at the Crescent as water was entering the lighting circuit. The rest of the lighting circuit is now functional. Action:- TW intend to install low level surface lights (as used on the steps) to the ramps, and then remove redundant lighting and make good the brick floor surfacing. Driveway Electic Boxes Problem:- These still have ´temporary´ roofs as the original lead has been stolen. Action:- PC agreed to instruct the provision of appropriate roofs. Sewerage Pumps:- Problem:- Following a `high level` situation the Residents Association obtained an independent report on the adequacy of the supplied installation. This report highlighted a number of disturbing shortcomings in the installation.A copy of this report was sent to TW many months ago and we have been continually advised that this report is awaiting comment from the contractors responsible. Action:- AB/PC agreed to chase Pimms pumps for their comments on this report, to instruct them to address the shortcomings as appropriate, and to advise us of action taken. S.Turner ( 8/4/2008). I hope this answers most of your questions. | |
Article added by:Steve | |
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