Holwood News

10/06/2008  Accounts to November 2007
  All Courtyard Residents and Crescent Residents (Block A) recently received Draft Accounts from Trinity for Year Ended 30 November 2007. Last week Colin Glover, James Murphy, and I spent the best part of a whole day trawling through these accounts with Johnathan Smith who is responsible for their correct preparation. We managed to resolve most financial issues to our satisfaction with just a few outstanding issues referred for further investigation.We also managed to resolve financial issues for Courtyard Residents going back to the financial year 2005/6. This was a major breakthrough and we are grateful for the goodwill shown by Johnathan from Trinity in conceding on some issues to our satisfaction. The bad news however is that for the whole of the financial year to 30 November 2007 Trinity neglected to collect the Estate Charge from residents.This means that there is a balancing payment due from qualifying residents relating to this year. We will shortly be receiving individual notices of the amounts we owe. I would urge all residents to pay these amounts as soon as possible to restore the Community funds. Although Trinity forgot to collect these amounts from residents during that financial year they were originally in the budget and so we have all benefited by retaining the money in our individual accounts for the last eighteen months. The error was detected and residents should have been paying the correct budgetted monthly amount since December 2007. Expenditure for year ended November 2007 was largely to budget except the cost of electricity for Courtyard Block A which was much higher than expectation. Electricity costs have soared recently and that is largely to blame but when time permits we will be investigating possibilities to reduce this cost. Anyone with questions is welcome to e-mail me and I will try to answer although residents are, of course,perfectly at liberty to raise queries with Trinity direct if they prefer. Steve Turner (Kaz)
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