Holwood News

13/09/2008  Exterior Lights
  The exterior lights continue to be a problem and not 100% operational. The following e-mail was sent to Trinity today! Hi Karen! I hope you are well I know you are aware that some of the exterior lights to Block A are not working again and also that all the exterior lights have been a continual problem over the last two years. The electricians did not turn up on Friday to investigate the problem at Block A even though this fault is in excess of a month old. My point is not to complain about this however. My point is that the exterior lights have never been sorted out properly. In the comprehensive snagging list I passed to Trinity, and also by your own observation, we established that all uplight fixtures to the whole Crescent have been disconnected because the fittings were admitting water.These lights remain disconnected in the ground, no replacement fittings of the correct calibre have been installed, and the wiring remains exposed. No wonder we continue to have problems. The residents want the lighting properly sorted for every block. The disconnected fixings replaced and the lighting re-instated. We cannot accept these ridiculous bodge repairs which we were told were temporary only! Furthermore the residents should not be charged for repairs to the exterior lighting which has never been working properly and not passed as acceptable and adopted by Trinity. Please confirm this to be the case. I am writing separately regarding the numerous other outstanding issues established and which show no sign of being resolved over the last few months! Kind Regards Steve Turner Holwood Estate Residents Association
  Article added by:Steve
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