Holwood News

07/02/2009  Lights Outside Block A
  The saga continues !!! After much discussion (and the failing of the lights now at C1 also) it seems that re-instating the existing uplighting system might just cause further problems in the future. TW have just last week sent down a further electrical contractor to look at the problem. Having inspected the failed fittings with this contractor, I was concerning to find that the ground fittings were not just damp but were actually submerged under water. These uplighters will always cause problems in the situation we live. They are actually decent fittings but the contractor thought they would never work longterm in our situation. A suggested alternative is that these uplighters be abandoned and that this area be lit by installing further above-ground lighting as used on the exterior staircase. A report to this effect is being prepared and priced for TW. Dave Skinner is monitoring the situation!
  Article added by:Steve
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